Automatisierung Batterieproduktion ecovolta

Successful solutions with ecovolta

These references make ecovolta tangible

Battery and drive solutions are developed and tested in our own research and development department. The range of services also includes contract development and system integration of battery systems.

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Seat 600 «Jordi» 

Electric Car Convert S.L. has electrified a classic Seat 600 with modern, environmentally friendly technology, giving the nostalgic classic car a sustainable and emission-free driving style.
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Renault 4CV «Remichanics»

It is an electric classic car that combines the charm of the 50s with modern technology. A range of 80 km and an environmentally friendly ecovolta battery make it ideal for special occasions.
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Das Polimi Energie-Boot erreichte den achten Platz in der Gesamtwertung und den ersten Platz unter den Prototypen mit einem Hybrid-Energiesystem, unter welchen es gleich auch zum leichtesten Boot gekürt wurde

E-Catamaran «Polimi Energy Boat»

A 100% environmentally sustainable racing boat powered by a lithium-ion battery and a hydrogen PEM fuel cell.
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Elektrisch umgerüstete Setzmaschine der Urs Mäder Landmaschinen AG mit 48 V-Antriebsstrang von ecovolta für emissionsfreien, leisen und präzisen Betrieb.
Ecovolta Rootcat, evoTractionBattery

Lamb's lettuce planter «e-Mäder»

The electrified seed drill from Urs Mäder Landmaschinen AG utilises the ecovolta battery changing system for quiet, emission-free operation and more precise speed control..
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Vogelperspektive e-Communter Holzboot von Ernesto Riva mit Standard Lithium-Ionen-Batterie

E-Commuter «Ernesto Riva»

The e-Commuter is a unique electric wooden boat by Ernesto Riva. The four evoTractionBattery provide energy for up to 25 knots and eight hours of cruising time.
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Autonomer Unkrautbekämpfungsroboter von Rowesys im Feldeinsatz, betrieben mit evoTractionBattery im Einsatz auf dem Feld.

Weed Robot «Rowesys»

100% autonomous robot for herbicide-free weed control in arable farming. The evoTractionBattery provides the necessary energy for five working hours.
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Kleinwagen «Monzetta» von Elettricars mit eingebauter ecoTractionBattery

Small Car «Monzetta»

The compact car for cities, areas, companies and municipalities. With the evoTractionBattery 5 or 10 kWh, a range of 100 or 200 km respectively is achieved.
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Can-Am Traxter HD8 & HD10 ecovolta auf der Fahrt ins Dorf Stoos

UTV «Can-Am Traxter HD8 & HD10»

The UTV is a vehicle for all off-road routes. Combined with an evoTractionKit 96 and 30 - 45 kWh battery capacity, it brings sustainability to the versatile fields of application. 
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Mehrzweck-Transporter «Aebi eVT450 Vario»

Multi-Purpose Transporter «Aebi eVT450 Vario»

120 kWh battery capacity and the e-drive train from ecovolta provide the necessary energy for traction and function of a wide range of attachments for municipalities and agriculture.
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eRadlader Giant im Einsatz auf dem Kiesplatz

eWheelLoader «Giant»

With a battery capacity of 30 to 60 kWh and an operating time of 3-6 working hours: The evoKit 96 brings the energy to the drive and hydraulics.
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eJohn-Deere-2 im Einsatz auf dem Feld

eRidingMower «John Deere»

The evoTractionKit 96 combined with an evoTractionBattery 15 kWh guarantees lawn mowing and collection as well as mulching.
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Volle Fahrt voraus - der ecovolta e Go Kart mit ecoTractionBattery

eGo-Kart «ecovolta»

The eGo-Kart is powered by 2 evoKit 48s, each with an evoTractionBattery 5 kWh. Guaranteed driving fun with acceleration from the e-drive!
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Patrick Blaser, CEO


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