Blick in die Fahrzeugumbauhalle von ecovolta: Elektro-Umbauten und Batterieintegration in der Werkstatt

Design & Vehicle Modification

Conditions for Electrification & Retrofitting

When is a vehicle suitable for conversion?

As a general rule:

  • The total weight of the vehicle should be permissible
  • Safety systems must not be interfered with
  • The installation space for the batteries must be sufficient.
  • The vehicles must be homologated (homologation, TÜV, etc.)
  • Electrical safety must be guaranteed
  • For economic success, the life-cycle costs (TCO) must be considered

The evaluation is strongly dependent on whether the vehicle is road-legal or not.  With regard to the total weight, it is important to examine possibilities for adding weight at an early stage. In terms of installation space and capacities, you have several options thanks to ecovolta technology. Depending on the project and voltage range, you can connect up to 8 battery packs in series and 15 in parallel and distribute them optimally in the vehicle. As far as safety is concerned, conversions in most voltage ranges must be carried out and/or accompanied by qualified personnel. Functional safety, electrical safety, suitable motor performance and personal safety are elementary for the success of the project and market approval.

One contact for components & engineering

Expertise in electromobility

Battery applications are one of the core technologies of the eco Group. ecovolta customers experience these many years of experience from development and vehicle integration as well as from the partner network as a clear added value compared to pure battery trading.

Custom-fit vehicle integration

ecovolta battery packs allow serial as well as parallel operation. The products thus ensure scalability and coverage of several voltage ranges. Where standard solutions are lacking, engineering covers your needs thanks to individual solutions.

Modern research & innovation centre

The standardised battery production in Brunnen is complemented by our own research and innovation centre. The modern facilities incl. machinery allow the efficient construction of functional samples and small series.

Electrification simplifies & reduces follow-up costs

Compared to thermally powered vehicles, electric vehicles are straightforward: The traction batteries are simply charged using the greenest possible electricity. When the "ignition key" is pressed, the main contactor closes, current flows from the battery to the controller, and the control unit sends signals and specifies how much electricity is transferred to the engine. A vehicle-specific adapter ensures that the engine and transmission are connected, and the vehicle drives - free of noise and pollutant emissions, with comparatively far fewer components and consequently lean maintenance.

Usual project process & scope of services

Product idea & preliminary study

Goal: Sample

  • Project and product definition: project planning, risk analysis, specification, benchmarks
  • Feasibility check: Check solution approaches, determine range, define speed, check payloads, define battery type, check requirements for charging times, clarify weight, check general condition of initial vehicles, determine approval criteria, define target cost specifications, develop concepts, conduct patent searches

System Design & Architecture

Goal: Functional model (FuMo) 

  • Study: Create and evaluate variants, record load profiles, analyze driving profiles, calculate energy requirements, define battery configuration, design powertrain, verify costs, define architecture, develop design, define processes for assembly and production, determine design data, define software concept
  • Verification: FMEA, finalize specifications, coordinate configuration management, start prototyping, pre-define service concept, patent target system, set up test plan, initial testing, reporting on tests

System implementation

Goal: Prototype 

  • Develop prototype: Evaluate third-party suppliers, define installation and assembly concept, test specification, preliminary clarification with approval bodies.
  • Build prototype: Removal of the thermal drive (engine, exhaust system, fluids, composite parts), electrification of the vehicle using evoTractionKit (marriage, integration), programming of the control unit (VCU), prototype verification, pre-tests for vehicle approval, test reporting.

Series conversion

Goal: pilot and/or small series 

  • Finalisation: Supplementing and completing production documents, implementing feedback from specialist departments and users, manufacturing the equipment, setting up the pilot series, providing the test equipment for verification, vehicle approval (homologation).
  • Support: product support, product optimisation, know-how transfer production
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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

In allen Projektphasen unterstützt ecovolta und bietet das Gesamtpaket von Konzept bis zur Serienübergabe, inkl. Prototypenbau und Homologation.

Ja, bei einer Kleinserie von bis zu 10 Stück kann ecovolta Teile der Serienumbauten übernehmen.

Ja, ecovolta ist spezialisiert auf den Prototypen- und Kleinserienbau.

Ja, ecovolta arbeitet eng mit lokalen Prüfinstituten zusammen.

Ja, ecovolta bietet sämtliche Dienstleistungen bis und mit Fahrzeugzulassung an. 

Our reference customers and reference projects

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Seat 600 «Jordi» 

Electric Car Convert S.L. has electrified a classic Seat 600 with modern, environmentally friendly technology, giving the nostalgic classic car a sustainable and emission-free driving style.
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Seat 600 «Jordi» 

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Renault 4CV «Remichanics»

Das Polimi Energie-Boot erreichte den achten Platz in der Gesamtwertung und den ersten Platz unter den Prototypen mit einem Hybrid-Energiesystem, unter welchen es gleich auch zum leichtesten Boot gekürt wurde

E-Catamaran «Polimi Energy Boat»

Elektrisch umgerüstete Setzmaschine der Urs Mäder Landmaschinen AG mit 48 V-Antriebsstrang von ecovolta für emissionsfreien, leisen und präzisen Betrieb.

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E-Commuter «Ernesto Riva»

Autonomer Unkrautbekämpfungsroboter von Rowesys im Feldeinsatz, betrieben mit evoTractionBattery im Einsatz auf dem Feld.

Weed Robot «Rowesys»  (Kopie 1)

Kleinwagen «Monzetta» von Elettricars mit eingebauter ecoTractionBattery

Small Car «Monzetta»

Can-Am Traxter HD8 & HD10 ecovolta auf der Fahrt ins Dorf Stoos

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Multi-Purpose Transporter «Aebi eVT450 Vario»

eRadlader Giant im Einsatz auf dem Kiesplatz

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