Autonomer Unkrautbekämpfungsroboter von Rowesys im Feldeinsatz, betrieben mit evoTractionBattery im Einsatz auf dem Feld.

Weed Robot «Rowesys»

«Rowesys» of ETH Zurich

ETH spin-off Rowesys is developing a robot for herbicide-free weed control in arable farming. 100% autonomous and electric, the robot removes weeds without harming the main crop. Our evoTractionBattery brings the necessary energy for five working hours.

Zurich (Switzerland)

2x «eTB48-100-5» (parallel)

Autonomous mechanical weed control

Vehicle Information

Area of Application

Autonomous Mechanical Weed Control

Dimensions (LxWxH)

2.1 x 0.94 x 1.2 Meters



Empty Weight

300 kgs


300 kgs

Max. Speed

4 km/h

Charging Time 20-80%

6 h

Operating Time

5 h


All-Wheel Drive

Motor Type


Special Features of the Vehicle
  • Autonomous, mechanical weed control
  • ETH Zurich project

Battery Information

System Typology

2x «eTB48-100-5» (parallel)

Amount of Energy

10 kWh

System Voltage

51 V

Max. Discharge Current

100 A

Total Battery Weight

70 kgs (2x 35 kgs)

Involved Companies


ETH Zurich

Vehicle Manufacturer / Brand

ETH Zurich

Image Rights / Image Source

ETH Zurich

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