ecoPowerTrolley Spiezer Weinwanderung

Spiez wine walk -
ecoPowerTrolleys successfully in use

Event support

At the 5th Spiezer Wine Walk, three of our innovative ecoPowerTrolleys supported the event team with sustainable energy. These mobile battery storage units provided reliable, completely noise- and emission-free power.

Clean energy for an enjoyable Event

From classic cars to modern electric, classic

Whether for cooling the exquisite «Spiezer» wines, brewing hot coffee, or providing musical entertainment, the ecoPowerTrolleys delivered energy exactly where needed.

Enthusiasm from the organizing Team
The organizing committee of the Spiezer Wine Walk was thrilled: «Thanks to ecovolta and the ePTs, we managed event logistics efficiently and flexibly. The devices worked perfectly and were a great asset to our event.»

A Sustainable Event Solution for the Future
We are proud to have contributed to the success of the Wine Walk with our technology and look forward to many more shared events in the future.

Spiez, Switzerland

3x «ecoPowerTrolley» for supplying power
to remote tasting stands

Wine walk - «Spiezer Läset Fest»

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